Category Archives: Elections
And the pendulum swings the other way (a little)
Yesterday was an off year election / voting day in a number of places. Last year, Democrats rather stupidly stayed home, out of frustration with the lack of progress by Obama. This allowed a number of very important Republican victories, … Continue reading
FoS of the Day…
Hermain Cain’s campaign for saying that Rick Perry is behind the sexual harassment issues that Cain is currently having to deal with. Now, like every other pundit (or wanna-be pundit) out there, I recognize that this is Cain’s campaign saying that Perry … Continue reading
The premier cockroach based political cartoon in the world… Scurrying from the Light…
Village Bastard…
There’s a saying that every village has an idiot. If you look at politics these days, it seems that what we have isn’t a village idiot; we have a large collection of national idiots. And, what’s worse, they don’t seem … Continue reading